I go see bands play. Sometimes I leave a show thinking I didn't like it, then in retrospect it turns out to be the greatest show ever [Cheap Trick circa 1979]. I don't think that will happen with the X Pun X show I saw Wednesday night.
Two guys--dead ringers for Lenny and Squiggy--chanting over looped synth beats. Their big "hits" were Alien Dance Party, which apparently got some local college radio airplay, and Sex Machine, which got their five friends dancing when they played it the second time for an encore. I for one did not need to hear it twice.
When I walked in, i looked at the bartender and said what is this? He just shook his head. The guy next to me called it a nightmare. Maybe I didn't get the joke. I suppose if they had filled the room and everyone was dancing it could have been a good time, but there were only ten people there, and I figured half were for/from the opening act. Yes, Lenny and Squiggy were the headliners! They had an opener! At least there was no cover charge. I couldn't imagine paying for that.
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