Thursday, January 7, 2010

Velcro Lewis

Two guitars, bass, vocals, drums, beards and...electric washboard, oh these boys are filthy! Velcro Lewis and his 100 Proof Band, the love child (nice word for bastard) of Secret Machines, Kings of Leon and the Black Keys. Or as one guy at the bar just turned around and said, "these guys are like Deep Purple meets Canned Heat!" Hmmm. Not so sure about that.

Bass player lays down a heavy groove, drummer marches down on snare and big bass drum turned upright. One guitar on rhythm and another swirling dirty slide leads. The singer yowls and shakes morroccas or plays a lap guitar on a stand. Sometimes the drummer sings. And all the while the bald guy rasps his thimble covered fingers across that washboard. The barfly behind me asked how you put a pickup on a washboard. Don't know but he's got it plugged into a guitar amp.

And that's the end of that song.

Bass line now a cross between Train Kept a Rolling and White Rabbit, all attenuated and repeated, under a vocal chant of "feet don't fail me now". Swirling distorted lead guitar fantasy.

Last song is a boogie dedicated to memory of Elvis's stillborn twin Jesse. And what it reminds me most of is Alvin Lee and Ten Years After.

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