Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Night Blues Jam

One of the best things to do on a Sunday night in New Haven: go to the blues jam at Cafe Nine. This week The Cobalt Rhythm Kings will be hosting and playing, with Mark Zaretsky on both harmonica and clipboard. He keeps track of the folks sign up for a turn onstage.

The Kings will play a short set and then call people up to play. It's a mix-and-match jam session as you see combinations of the musicians in the room. Guitar, bass, drums, horns, keyboards, voice, all with talent. On any given Sunday you might hear anything from the flute to heavy blues guitar shredding. One night the shredding was done by a young woman with long blonde hair who also happens to be a talented cello student.

The mood is mellow with more musicians than civilians. The rest of us sit back and watch guys walk in with axes in hand, sign up then hang out and relax until their names are called. And they can all play. I always hear impressive chops. The host band provides a drum kit, keyboards and guitar amps for plugging into, so the changes are quick. The house provides its excellent P.A.

The format is very conducive to a quick visit. Go for an hour, have a beer and listen seemingly random musicianship. Short and sweet. But warning--the effect can be addictive as the changing lineup unfolds before you. You hear a few songs and think, that was a nice treat and get up to leave while the next player plugs in or adjusts the mike. But then they start playing and it's interesting and you stay for a little more. And then it happens again with the next person called to the stage. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

At some point the realization sets in that this weekly session, with different bands hosting each week (a rotating list of regulars), is one of New Haven's hidden gems. The sign over the door says the musician's living room. Indeed.

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